Finding the beauty & the message ~ where you least expect it.

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The Parable of the Ducks

What can a few mallard ducks teach us about our relationship with Jesus Christ? When our family found some ducks that decided that they love our yard, I didn't think they would teach me anything…let alone what a powerful lesson about our Savior.

Ep. 21 – I Don’t Understand

Sometimes Heavenly Father needs us to go through things that we don’t want to in order to teach us important lessons. But what happens when we really don’t want to go through that thing, we don’t understand why we need that experience and we don’t understand the lesson? I found some good insight and instruction in the book of Daniel and the stories of Daniel and Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego. 

Be Not Afraid, Only Believe

Daniel 2

Daniel 3

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